In his book The Long View, Matthew Kelly explains why most of us fail to achieve the goals wet set.

“Most people overestimate what they can do in a day, and underestimate what they can do in a month. We overestimate what we can in a year, and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade.”

At the smallest unit, this comes down to how your organize your day.

Here is a daily routine that will help you make consistent and systematic progress toward your goals.

“Because extraordinary success is sequential not simultaneous. You do the right thing, and then you do the next right thing. Over time it adds up, and the geometric potential of success is unleashed.”
– Gary Keller, The ONE Thing

The secret to success: You have to actually follow the routine. Not tomorrow. Not next year. TODAY.

Remember: Tomorrow means never. Start prioritizing your future NOW and it will get here sooner 🙂

  1. Have a creativity spark. Mine is a beverage. It’s ghee + collagen protein + MCTs + Chaga + Lion’s Mane + Rhodiola blended into 16 ounces of coffee. 🔥🔥🔥
  2. Prep your mind. Find a quiet place and take 10-20 minutes to get centered. You cannot make great things if you are spun, distracted, anxious or caught up in future tripping or angst of your past. This is what I do: Read a passage from a book. Some of my favorites: Stillness is the Key, The Power of Now, The Untethered Soul, Meditations. Then plug binaural beats into my ears, and meditate for 10 minutes. Then quick journaling on what I’ve learned from that time, how I’ll focus today, and then straight into things (after a little playing with my 16 week old). This has made all the difference in my life. 
  3. DIVE into your most important work. The creative work you need to do. The MOST important thing. This is where the compounding happens—where the geometric potential of success is unleashed. At least 3 days a week this CAN’T be client work. It has to be progress on your goals. No email. No distractions. Make and ship work.
  4. Work in bursts. You can’t sprint to the top of Mt. Everest nor can you work without breaks. Make progress. Refresh. Repeat.
  5. Do biz dev. Make new connections every. Single. Day. Meaning TODAY. STOP. Now. Make a new connection. Strategy note: Having a podcast is one of the single best ways to meet new people in your industry. Call a prospect and ask to chit chat about work for an hour over coffee. They will say no. Ask to interview them for a podcast. They will be honored.
  6. MOVE. Your best ideas don’t come at your desk.
  7. Read. Learn. Don’t get jaded. Stay inspired.
  8. Review. What gave you energy? What drained it? Who can you pay to do the stuff you hate so you can spend more time earning and creating?
  9. Plan. What’s the 1st thing you’ll do tomorrow that will move the needle for you. Close all windows. Open on that ONE thing. Go to 😴😴😴. NOTE: If you want to have a great week, take 15 minutes and do this Sunday evening. It will center your entire week.

Rinse and repeat for 30 days. 60 days. 1 year. 1 decade. Watch your income and happiness 🚀🚀🚀

About the Author

Brendan Dell

Brendan Dell is an author and the founder of The Daily Creative. As a freelancer he's worked with clients like Expedia, Cvent, Panasonic, Brother, Windstream and 100+ more to build unignorable tech brands. At The Daily Creative, he shares advice and lessons to help freelancers level up.