“If you want creative workers, give them time to play.” – John Cleese

I recently invited a famous artist to be a guest on my podcast.

She turned me down. I thought it was wonderful.

Let me explain…

Here was her response:

“It sounds like a wonderful opportunity.

I’m just starting a period of intense creativity where I’ll be focused on creating.

So I’ll have to decline for now.

But I’d love to explore when I pop up again in 4-6 weeks.”

This artist recognized that great work comes from space.

Your best ideas won’t come staring at a monitor.

They’ll come walking, running, singing in the shower—or whatever it is you do to breathe.

This isn’t just true of painting.

It’s true for any modern occupation that requires a new, different approach to drive success.

Marketing, product design, organizational design, and beyond.

Asked to join a pointless meeting? It’s ok to say no.

Inbox overflowing? Take a walk. It’ll keep.

Regardless of whether or not anyone gives you the permission to play, you can and SHOULD take it for yourself.

It might not always feel like it, but we all have the power to control our time.

If we won’t prioritize our own lives, then who will?

The Daily Creative Challenge

Take 15 minutes and do something, anything, with no agenda. Send us a note and let us know how it went?

About the Author

Brendan Dell

Brendan Dell is an author and the founder of The Daily Creative. As a freelancer he's worked with clients like Expedia, Cvent, Panasonic, Brother, Windstream and 100+ more to build unignorable tech brands. At The Daily Creative, he shares advice and lessons to help freelancers level up.